Posts tagged copywriting for business
Four Steps to Targeting Your Ideal Client: The Second Pillar of Business Copy with My In-House Copywriter

For the past month, I’ve been sharing my favorite insights on how to write about business. “Business writing,” “copywriting,” and “marketing” all sound so formal. But when it comes down to it, if you own a business, a side-hustle, or a hobby you’re hoping to monetize, you need to be sharing about that business. That means you’re going to need to write about what you do.

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The Three Pillars of Business Copy with Zimmerman's In-House Copywriter

Between Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and my website, I share about my business on a ton of platforms. I have a system that keeps it from being too much, but I know 99% of my students feel overwhelmed by the thought of keeping up with their businesses on every platform. It can feel complicated and time-consuming until you strip away all the excess, “best practices,” and algorithm hacking and realize that your purpose, regardless of the platform, couldn’t be clearer: to communicate who you are and what you do. It’s that simple!

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How to Write About Your Business: Three Tips from Zimmerman's In-House Copywriter

Y’all know that when it comes to business, you’ve got to have a website. P.S You’re reading this blog right now because I prioritize my website! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1,000 times, but if you really want to grow a business that’s profitable and has staying power, it’s all about communicating who you are and what you do on your website, not just your Facebook page or Instagram profile. If you’ve gone to create or edit your website tons of times, and you find you just… don’t know what to say, I’ve got good news for you! I’m having our in-house copywriter, Rachel, share some tips for how to overcome that first roadblock in your business copy journey— where to start.

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