I Screwed Up


Do you ever have a day when there's a whole mess of ugly words, confusion, and hurt separating you from the person you want to be?

I had one of those days yesterday. I'm still recovering.

I snapped at people important to me. I lost my patience. I said things I didn't mean, and I said things I did mean in ways that weren't helpful. After the words left my mouth, I immediately wanted to take them back again. But I couldn't.

Here's the thing. I'm never going to be a perfect mom. I'll never be a flawless boss. Some days, my wife skills are lacking and my friend train has left the station.

But the people in my life know I'm not perfect. Turns out, we don't really like perfect people. I'd rather spend my time making really honest, humbling apologies than spend my days striving to never make a mistake in the first place.

So yesterday was a tough day. I wasn't who I wanted to be. But my flaws and screw-ups make room for apologies, connection, and grace. And that's the good stuff, right?

Here's the deal. Today, I'm giving you permission to screw up. Surprise! You're going to anyway! No one is perfect. But when you do, don't be surprised. Take it as a reminder that you're human, and respond with grace for yourself and the situation.

Then move through it, and wake up tomorrow ready to do it all over again. Today is a new day! Let's live without fear of imperfection.

What's one way you can show yourself grace today? Tell me in the comments!