Arkansas's Ten Perfect Days


Here's something you may not know about me...

I love camping and hiking. But even if we’re really lucky, we get mayyybe ten days of amazing weather a year here in Arkansas. It's either blazing heat, or snowing and all these southerners are freaking out, forgetting how to drive!

So when these few perfect days happen, we have to take full advantage.

Last Saturday, we went on a family hike. We hiked to the top of a mountain. With a six year old and two four year olds. Hey-- it was hard, but we did it!

The following day, around 5pm, I looked at Brian and said, “let’s go to the lodge and watch the sunset."

So we drove the 45 minutes to the lodge, and watched the sunset.

We’ve been waking up before the sunrises and pausing to watch the sunsets each night for the past few months. The kids call them cotton candy skies.

I love pausing together as we begin and end our days, everyone being completely present to what we're seeing. There's something about being out in nature that’s so good for the soul.

As summer turns into fall on this side of the world, don't miss it! Find some time to pause and just observe what's happening around you. It'll help you feel refreshed and ready to keep pushing on.

What's something you can do today to pause and be where you are?