Capsule Wardrobes and Mother Daughter Moments


It'd be great if we could #twin all the time, but I'm Mrs. black on black, and Stella is all color.

The day before school started, we went back-to-school shopping, and I taught Stella how to do a capsule wardrobe. I explained how, when you stick to a color palette, all your clothes can go together. That way, when we travel, it's super simple to throw some clothes in our Away luggage and head out.

I told Stella that my capsule color is black. My shirts are black, my jeans are black, my shoes are black, my dresses are black, even my raincoat is black. I never have to worry, wondering if things match, because everything is black!

I asked Stella what she wanted her capsule colors to be. "Pink and purple, Mommy!"

Of course! So EVERYTHING Stella picked out was pink and purple....and covered with sequins. And you know what? This neutral-loving momma fully embraced it. Express yourself, sweet girl!

That evening, Stella shared that it made her sad when we had to leave the movie theater early the day before because the boys couldn't sit through the entire Dora movie.

I checked my phone, and another showing of the Dora movie was starting in the next thirty minutes. Stella and I hopped in the car in our pjs, and sat in the 8pm showing of Dora just the two of us and some candy and popcorn. I'm sure I got more than a few dirty looks, considering I had my daughter out past 10 pm and was loading her up with sugar the night before the first day of school, but I didn't care.

When we got home that night, I laid in Stella's bed, and she told me that it was the best day EVER. As we snuggled, she asked me to share my favorite thing about first grade.

It was a day I'll never forget. A day where I got to celebrate that my baby girl is growing up and learning who she is. We have similarities, but we’re also different. She's purple and pink, and I'm black on black. She loves the Dora movie, and I...I can sit through the Dora movie 1.5 times. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But we both love our adventures together, and our favorite way to end the day is hand in hand.

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