Summer Birthday Celebrations


A few weeks ago, we celebrated all three of the kids’ birthdays.

I remember Stella’s first birthday party. I put so much thought, detail, and work into it. It was pretty, but it wasn’t that much fun. I thought about all the visuals, but had totally forgotten about the fun! Most of the guests had older kids so they wanted activities, and I had a one year old and a smash cake. 🤦🏻‍♀️

After that party, I told myself I was going to eliminate as much of the “work” as possible from a party and focus on the fun, so Brian and I could be fully present and enjoy the party too. I love outsourcing!

The boys’ birthday was a month or so ago ago and Stella’s was a month later, so I thought a party smack dab in the middle of birthday season would be perfect. And as long as they’ll let me get away with one party for all three of them, I’m going to do it!

I rented the pool out for a couple of hours. Brian ordered pizza. Stella went with me to the bakery and “designed” all three of their cakes with Mrs. Patti (who we consider family and owns our favorite bakery Patti Cakes Bakery). I picked up two plastic table cloths, and three simple balloon bouquets to plop on the table and call the decorating done. The balloons, however, were not agreeing with the wind so Brian and I cut them and taped them to the wall ten minutes before guests arrived. The kids ate for about 20 minutes and the rest of the time, they just swam and played.

My favorite part though was spending time with the people who attended. I feel so grateful for these people who are basically our village right now. I passed my camera off to one and she documented everything, another poured lemonade, someone else cut cake, another was there with a trash bag. It’s a crew of moms and dads that I never knew I needed, but I am so thankful we are all there for one another in times of celebration and in times of need.

I’ll be honest, I get the itch to move more often than I’d like to admit, but it’s these people that surrounded us today that keep us here. They are gold.

Stella, Perry, and Zeke, I love you more than words can ever describe, and I love celebrating each one of you!

The next time you have a minute, tell someone in your village how much they mean to you!

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