What's to Love About the Lowest Spot in the US

This week, we reached a new low in our Airstream journey… literally.

We’ve made our way through Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and finally, we’re here in California’s Death Valley!

Our favorite part of the trip was meeting up with some friends we met on our very first stop out west (that was otherwise totally disappointing! You can read more about that adventure here.)

Aside from that sweet reunion, there’s tons to love about the lowest spot in the US.

First off, we loved going in winter because it was cool enough to wear long pants and coats! Not always true of the rightfully named “Death Valley.”

Next, the kids loved hiking through the salt fields and even having a lick of the crystals.

Then, we played on some sand dunes and watched the sunset. These desert adventures sure are fun with kids. They turn every sand dune into a beach vacation.

With each new stop on our Airstream journey, I’m reminded that even as the views change, some things stay the same. Wherever we are, I’m most thankful to take in nature’s ever-changing scenes, to spend time with Brian and the kids, to experience new things together, and to learn and grow more each day, all while living in our tiny, 200 square foot home on wheels. The tiniest home and the biggest life. A dream come true!

Check out our vlog above to see these special family moments. There is so much life to be lived in Death Valley!


Come join the adventure! Follow along at @jessicazimmerman_ on Instagram.

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