Posts tagged shaking off the script
Shaking off the Script : Jessica on Abundantly Clear Podcast

Malorie from Abundantly Clear Podcast is the queen of unblocking mental barriers to help entrepreneurs experience growth… both in business and in their personal lives. During our conversation, Malorie and I talk about my business story, how to embrace your intuition, and why not making a five year plan has lead me to achieving some of my biggest dreams. I like to see life as a set of stepping stones on a path that leads to me becoming more and more of who I’m meant to be. When I look at the stones behind me, they’re clear and brightly lit. I can see how each stepping stone, each life event has lead me to the stone I’m currently on. But that stone, the stone that represents my present, is dimly lit. There are spots that are clear, but I’m still discovering and uncovering. It’s not abundantly clear.

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