New Moon in Cancer


Among the astrological signs, Cancers, represented by the crab, are stereotyped as being emotional, sensitive, and even moody. The New Moon in Cancer is the perfect time to focus on personal goals that lean into those traits in a balanced way: honoring our most intimate feelings, noticing when we feel safe and at home, and receiving support from others - personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate, feelings; recognizing the sense of security and safety we derive from whatever it is we call home; allowing ourselves to accept support and offering support to others. During this New Moon cycle, we should focus on long-term passion projects and our most intimate personal thoughts and feelings. 

For the next two weeks, you have expanded potential to tune into your own inner knowing and make actionable plans to live out of a deeper integration with your truest self. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by!

With this potent Cancer energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle.

It’s time to make some plans and set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs. Concentrate on new ways to enhance family life and domestic affairs, and to build up your feelings of security and safety.

Every New Moon represents a new chance to get clarity about your life and identity, but July’s new moon turns our focus on getting especially clear on what we intuitively desire and want in your heart of hearts. When the moon is in Cancer, it’s at home, and it’s in a sign that’s known for emotional intelligence. Cancer season and this Cancer new moon enhances your awareness of your feelings, allowing your thoughts and experiences to be more influenced by your moods. Think of there being a thinner barrier between what you feel, think, and do. 

That might be uncomfortable territory for many of us. We’re not typically encouraged to let our moods and emotions rule our actions. In fact, it’s often the other way around. But in an effort to shut down that sensitivity to emotions, we cut off our intuition. If you’re anything like me, someone who spent years bucking traditional gender roles to support my family through a job that I truly did love, it can take a lot of energy and intentionality to tap back into that more feminine, emotional wisdom. And while feelings and moods don’t last forever, they are real and true, and they deserve our attention. 

Your feelings deserve to be honored. 

When you give time and attention to those deeper feelings, you teach yourself that you are safe and at home in your own presence, which creates a deep sense of security, which we all crave. If you are willing to follow your emotions and give them the space they need, instead of making you feel more troubled, you will actually feel more centered. 

That peace and centeredness will extend from your metaphorical home to your literal home. You might notice yourself prioritizing bonding time with your family, getting renewed energy for home projects, or making time to reconnect with a relationship that’s grown distant. 

This energy to create and reconnect is due to the fact that Cancer is one of the “cardinal signs.” The cardinal signs (which also include Aries, Libra and Capricorn) are big picture dreamers, visionaries, and go-getters, so don’t be surprised if your feelings move quickly from reflection to action. Let this new motivation carry you with a renewed energy for the home you’re creating in yourself and in the world. 

On July 5th, there will be a dark new moon, which is a great time to retreat, practice some self care, and have some laid back quality time with people who feel safe and remind you who you are. With all the holiday weekend sales coming up, consider buying something that makes you feel like you

If that idea scares you or you don’t even know who you really are deep down, that’s a journey I’m guiding students through in my course, The Path Back to You. Click here to check it out and learn how to come home to yourself. Click the button below for my detailed New Moon in Pisces Ritual, including the specific candles, journal prompts, and meditations I use for the New Moon in Pisces

To keep up with all New Moon and Full Moon Rituals, stay tuned to the blog and sign up for my newsletter list here.

New Moon in Cancer Ritual

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