How to Make Gratitude a Daily, Family Practice


It’s officially Thanksgiving 2020, which means we’re finally nearing the end of 2020.

I don’t know many who will miss it. It’s been a year full of confusion, frustration, sickness, and financial uncertainty. Many days, it’s felt like relearning how to live every aspect of our lives in a new way.

And yet, 2020 has also been the year that I made gratitude a daily, non-negotiable practice, which has changed much more than Covid-19 has.

The more Zimmerman Podcast episodes I record with manifestation experts and doctors, the more I reflect on the events of Sleeping with a Stranger, the more days I wake up to start my day with meditation and passive prayer, the more convinced I am that gratitude is how we heal our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Gratitude is what’s repaired my marriage, healed my body from adrenal fatigue, and given me clarity in each new stage of my business.

As hard as 2020 has been, gratitude has given me the perspective to realize that I am living, right now, on the “good old’ days,” and I don’t want to miss them.

I can’t help but think of the Allen Saunders quote, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

For years, I have been an expert planner. I could have a gold medal in planning. Planning trips, planning business growth, planning course launches. I even have a course all about planning your best year, identifying your dreams, and making them a reality.

I. Love. Planning.

But I don’t want to spend so much time planning my dream life that I never actually live it.

And that’s what gratitude is all about. It’s about realizing that I’m already living the dreams I so carefully planned for last year. It’s about being fully present right now for whatever life is happening around me, in this very moment.

Whether it’s a lazy leaf falling, the smell of my favorite essential oil in the diffuser, or the laughs of my kids as they run around our Airstream.

It’s so easy for me to snap into entrepreneur mode— always fixing, tweaking, and improving. It’s harder for me to slow down, to enjoy things as they are, and commit to being present for the life I’m currently living.

But gratitude has opened that door for me.

And you guys know me; if I find something that helps me, I have to share. So I have. I’ve shared with my family.

And by “share,” I mean I’ve instituted a daily, family-wide gratitude practice that we walk through together each and every day.

It’s simple enough that my seven-year-old and twin five-year-old boys can do it. And it helps us embrace each day as a team, with gratitude at the center.

And I’ve written it up for you!

Just click the button below to grab my guide to a family-wide daily gratitude routine.