Your Wealth Your Way with Zimmerman Student Bree Carroll


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 85!

Today is the second episode of a three-episode miniseries we’re doing with three real Zimmerman students who took my course, Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year (KYN).

Today, we’re sitting down with Bree Carroll of Bree Carroll Events and Hearts and Stripes Podcast. Bree is sharing how KYN helped her clarify her purpose and shift from focusing on weddings and events to helping military couples strengthen their marriages. 

In the episode, Bree says that if she could rename the course, My Wealth My Way: The Power of Financial Planning to Build Wealth. 

I hope you love Bree’s story! 

Episode 85 Topics:

  • Why KYN helps you create a financial plan made to fit your life and your dreams

  • How to identify what you really want because you can have anything, but you can’t have everything

  • Why knowing your numbers can eliminate stress of the unknown

  • How to create a roadmap to where you want to go instead of wandering aimlessly

Click here to check out the whole episode.



Instagram: @bcarrollevents

My favorite product pairings for this episode...

The Business Behind the Blooms

Running a floral business isn’t always as pretty as the flowers themselves. I spent more than a hundred thousand dollars educating myself and figuring out how to make this business work for me and fully support my family of five. 

If you’re wanting to know how to not only run a profitable business, but also hear all my first hand experiences of navigating how to deal with difficult brides, make automated systems, create proposals, set boundaries in your work, and book every bride you want, you need to check out BBB! 

Go to to get more information! 

Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year 

If you want to build a great business or live a good life, you’ve gotta plan for it! If you want to become the person you need to be to build the business of your dreams, that takes intention and purpose. 

Every year, I take a whole month to reevaluate the past 12 months and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and how I can create a life I love for the following year. 

I teach you my exact planning process in my program Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year. 

If you want a free training to get some tips on planning your best year yet, go to 

Grab the live, love, fund training here:

Never miss an episode, as I share what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love!