We're Moving!!!


After almost a year of constant movement on our Airstream journey, we’ve finally picked a permanent spot to settle down. And it’s some place totally new!

If you’ve read Sleeping with a Stranger, then you know that the town we left when we started this Airstream adventure had been my hometown for 38 years. Except for the years I spent in college, I’d always lived in Conway, Arkansas.

What you might not know is that before we ever bought our Airstream, we talked about moving to Nashville, TN.

Then the pandemic hit ,and we knew that we had this small window to make our Airstream dream a reality, so we sold everything in Conway and hit the road.

Our first stop? Nashville to have The Home Edit team systematize our space. While we were there, we drove around and stumbled upon a neighborhood that gave us that feeling… like we’d be back. Next time, for good.

We spent the next several months traveling to thirty-one national parks in almost every state west of the Mississippi. In each city, we tried to imagine ourselves making a home there. But none ever matched that Nashville feeling.

As we hit publish on this blog, we’re preparing to move into a home in that same dreamy area of Nashville we fell in love with at the very beginning of our Airstream adventure. The kids are signed up for school, and we’re ready to make a new home in a new city!

While I’m so thankful for the time we spent on the road— and we still have so much to share!— I’m ready for the kids to be in school again, to be just their parents and not their teachers too, to discover a new home and new friends and new community.

I was realizing the other day that I’ve been to the same dentist my entire life. And after a year of grand adventures, I’m ready for everyday adventures like choosing a new dentist, figuring out the layout of our local grocery story, and finding a favorite date night restaurant.

I’m also so proud of my kids who are welcoming all this new with excitement and anticipation.

So it’s official! In the next few weeks, we’ll have made our new home in Nashville, Tennessee!