How to Reflect with the Future in Mind | An Annual Reminder


Last year, I dedicated an entire episode of Zimmerman Podcast to sharing how, every year, I set aside time to reflect on my past year with the future in mind.

Today, as I’m midway through my annual planning month, I’m taking another chance to share why annual reflection is so important.

Here’s a little bit of heart behind what I shared last year in Episode 15 of Zimmerman Podcast

Why does it seem so easy for kids to own what they’re proud of, but it’s so much harder for us adults? As we close out 2020, I want to talk about how we can celebrate our 2020 accomplishments, take inventory of some things that maybe need work, and plan for the future.

I’m a future-thinker, so it’s not easy for me to reflect. But we can’t know where we’re going in the future without reflecting on the past. I’m sharing my best end-of-year tips for reflecting on the past so you can transform your future. Let’s dive in!

Reflecting on the past year

When I take the time to write down the highs and lows of my year, it gives me perspective. It helps me identify and recognize if there are neglected areas in my life so I can make a plan for positive change. There are different types of people out there. The dreamers, the goal setters, and those who just want to take life as it comes. Regardless of which type of person you are, you need to examine your year. It doesn't have to be a long process! After I take the time to reflect, I can more clearly think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year, and create a plan that will help me reach my goals and clarify things that matter most to me.

Goals and flexibility

In addition to my annual planning, I also block off a couple hours each season to reevaluate my goals and plan for the year. As good as it is to have a plan, I also need to be flexible with that plan. This year, I’ve gotten to check off a goal I’ve had for the past fifteen years… travel the country in an Airstream!

At the same time, with Covid-19 changing so many plans I had for this year, I had to learn to be flexible, and what has been the biggest shift in my life this year that has impacted everything positively!

Celebrate and commit

Last year, I had on my vision board to be featured in Forbes, and I was! When I got the news, I looked at my vision board and thought “what’s next?” I didn’t even take a minute and enjoy the accomplishment! It’s important for us to celebrate our wins, the things we work hard to achieve, even in small ways. I’ve found when I celebrate what went well, it helps me practice gratitude and believe good things are yet to come.

My mindset for goals is about commitment and I also believe that anything is possible. I treat my goals the same way I do things such as waking up and brushing my teeth each day. For me, it’s about commitment, not motivation. I block off time to reflect on my goals and I write down what I need to do to make progress. I give myself hard deadlines and I commit to them. This is how dreams are accomplished.

Your dreams are worthy. Allow yourself to dream, believe your dream is possible, reverse engineer what it will take to accomplish it, write down the action steps, then make a plan and commit to each step. If you’re feeling like you’re ready to tackle the year ahead or you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of January 1 “resolutions”, then this episode can help!

I hope that you have peaceful time with loved ones over the holiday, that you find some time to invest in yourself, and that you can celebrate your 2020 accomplishments and look to the New Year with confidence and excitement.

Want to dive even deeper into annual planning? Click the button below.