How to Prevent Burnout in Your Business


Most years, we spend our Thanksgiving on my grandparent’s farm, where my 94-year-old grandmother still lives today.

We didn’t get to be together this Thanksgiving, but the lessons and legacies of my farming grandparents are with me every single day.

One of the big ones? Work starts when the sun comes up and ends when the sun goes down.

Now, that might not translate literally to my work, (or my alarm clock, since I wake up before my family at 5 am), but the underlying idea is a cornerstone in my business:


If I want to optimize my time and beat burn-out, I’ve gotta have a consistent time when I close my computer and am present for my life.

If you’re realizing you can’t remember the last time you were really “off the clock,” it’s probably time for some revamped boundaries!

Even in a season where many of us are working and schooling from home, there are still ways to set boundaries so that you’re incorporating work and rest into your routine.

I shared this favorite business tip a few months ago with Entrepreneur online, and they included this tip among their four favorite tips for preventing business burnout.

Want to read more about this and other top-notch business tips? Check out my feature in