Guadalupe Mountains National Park | Vlog Ep. 6

When we made it to Guadalupe Mountains National Park, we did our first big hike!

And by “big,” I mean a few miles. We’ve got three young kids, y’all.

But the kids powered through when they were tired and I’m so proud of them! It was not easy, and they have short little legs!

We also had to make a quick pitstop for Stella to check into her classroom because she’s still in school. Thank goodness for my hotspot and laptop. We can do school literally anywhere.

When we got back to the Airstream, we pinned the Guadalupe pin to the kids’ pennants and scratched another national park off our map.

This week may have not looked like we thought it would, but we’re still living our dreams and sleeping under the stars!

Watch the video our our Guadalupe Mountains adventure above.


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