Encouragement for Those Who Feel Stuck


Do you ever feel like you're doing such a good job living a life you just weren't meant for?

Do you ever feel stuck?

Do you ever feel like you're going through the motions of each day, keeping your head down, but when you look up you're going nowhere? You’re busting your butt to make progress on a road you don’t even want to be on.

When you have that realization, it can feel there is an emptiness inside you that nothing can fill.

Maybe you’ve tried to change your outside world hoping it would change you on the inside, only to realize that whatever you do, the emptiness stays with you.

Now let me ask you this...

Are you keeping your life in a comfortable bubble because it feels safe? Keeping your hopes and dreams small so your fears can stay small too?

What I know for sure is that staying safe keeps us true transformation.

No risk, no reward.

When is the last time you risked something that felt safe and secure and did something different, because just the simple act of living without restraint made you feel alive, and it would be worth it, regardless of the results?

Nothing changes until something changes.

Maybe, like me, you wake up with these thoughts and feelings and push them back down, telling yourself to be grateful for what you have, ignoring a deep sense of knowing that something isn’t right.

I did that for 38 years. For 38 years my soul has told me to go, and like Elsa in Frozen 2, I understand that calling of, "there's more for you if you'll just trust yourself."

And I’m finally listening. I’m making scary choices that I’ve been avoiding for years, embracing the knowing that’s been there all along. (And I’m sure I’ll be sharing about those right here before too long.)

So when you feel lost, listen to the voice inside. It truly is guiding you. You aren't responsible for the feelings of others. You are responsible to not abandon yourself.

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

If you want to learn more about how I hold myself accountable to my deepest and truest calling each and every year, check out this blog post from last week.