How I Actually Make a Living While Living My Life on the Road


We’ve been on the road for six months now, and there’s one question I’ve been asked more than any other during this full-time travel journey…

“How do you afford to live on the road?!”

It’s such a simple question with a shockingly simple answer.

I could tell you that I spent the past decade transforming a wedding business confined to 6,000 square feet in downtown Conway, Arkansas into an online education platform I run from my 200 square foot Airstream that helps hundreds of students in homes around the world.

And that’s true. That would tell you how I work on the road, but it doesn’t answer the real question.

Why did I want to do it in the first place?

The reason I dreamed of selling everything and living the Airstream life and the reason we could actually do it all are the same

I create an intentional plan for my life each and every year, and then I do everything I can to make that dream a reality.

This process? I call it The Game Plan.

It’s a system I created where I look at everything in my life, from finances to daily routines to family hopes and dreams, and I create a plan for living the life I want.

Three years ago, I shared this plan with my students, and I started seeing their lives change as much as mine had.

  • Career changes and deep, daily satisfaction.

  • Zero balances turned into five figures left over at the end of each month.

  • Tens of thousands of dollars of debts paid off in a year.

No one had the same dream, but everyone used the same Game Plan to make their dreams a reality.

So that’s how I knew I wanted to be living the full time travel life.

And running my business on the road? It’s all about having a website that works 24/7 so I don’t have to, and a marketing plan that gets me clients while I sleep.

And since I never keep my secrets to myself… I want everyone to have businesses that allow them to live lives they love… I share everything about how to build a website like mine in my course A Winning Website, and everything about my marketing plan in The Power of Pinning.

It’s not always easy to execute, but it is simple.

And my simple answer to how I can spend my days hiking through national parks with my kids while still running my business and helping people?

The Game Plan. A Winning Website. The Power of Pinning.

If you want to live big dreams, like traveling full-time, running your own business, or reaching more people with your message, I’d invite you to check out those courses linked above.

They could just change the course of your life.
