The Finish Strong Challenge Day 9 - I’m here to help you problem solve


It’s one of my favorite training days! Today, my whole job is to help you strategize how to improve your business game for 2020. 

It’s baaaasically a mini coaching session.

Nobody is perfect, but we gotta do what we can to avoid making the same mistakes twice. For the first few years of my business, I finished every year with seemingly less money than I started with. Eventually, I said “enough is enough!” I knew I had to find a different solution.

If you’re starting this year feeling frustrated and maybe even a little burnt-out, know you’re not alone, and I’m here to help you. This can be the last time you start the year feeling this way!

Let’s talk about it today in the Zimmerman Insiders Group after you watch the video and download the PDF.

Download the PDF for Day 9 of the Finish Strong Challenge!

Day 9 PDF