Boldly Asking for What You Want


Doug Budin is an actor known for his roles in Friends, Modern Family, and Two Broke Girls.

However, I first found Doug through Jeff Lewis’s show on Sirius XM and totally fell in love with his voice. His positivity and fun nature comes straight through the sound waves and into my van every time I listen.

That’s why I knew I had to dream a big dream and ask him to do the intro to our podcast. And because of your help, I connected with Doug, and now he’s the voice you hear every time you listen to the intro of a Zimmerman Podcast episode!

Today, I’m talking to Doug about the similarities between entrepreneurs and actors, how to commit to your passions, and what it looks like to explore an unconventional career and life.

Being Bold

I always say if you want something, you’ve got to ask for it – the worst anyone can say is “no.” The best that can happen is it all turns out exactly the way that you wanted! And I have living proof that dreaming big works, and I'm reminded of it every time I hear Doug's voice as part of my show.

At the beginning of the show, I ask Doug to share his perspective on how we eventually connected. He remembers getting a lot of DMs on Instagram, out of the blue, and initially he thought maybe it was meant for another Doug Budin. Once he realized it was him I wanted for my intro to the podcast, he reached out and was so kind in agreeing to work with me. Now, the rest is history!

Similarities between the acting and the wedding industries

One thing I hear a lot from my students is, "the wedding industry is over saturated, how can I stand out?" As an actor, Doug understands this all too well, and shares his wise approach to how he deals with comparison.

"The fact is everybody is trying to have the same career... and there’s a lot of people who could do these jobs! But the other half of that is – I’m the only person who can do me," Doug shares.

He asks himself what is the truest to him because that is something no one else has.

We had great conversation around this topic – I’m all about staying in my lane and being authentic.

Next, we dive into the behind the scenes of his acting experience and how many similarities there are in our industries. He said in both of our industries we’re selling ourselves and what we bring to the table, “it’s just 2 different kinds of tables.”

Passion and work

Doug is passionate about being an entertainer; he loves making people laugh (I’m sure he’ll make you laugh during this episode!). We discussed how acting requires passion, because it can be an exercise in rejection - and because of this most people wouldn’t go into it just for the money. The drive to continue has to be born from passion.

In a perfect world, you get to feed your family and feed your soul.

Slow seasons

We realized that in both of our industries, we have slow seasons. He shared about a time when he had few auditions but knew he needed to stay busy and not get caught up believing each job was THE most important thing he did. So he and a friend wrote a play during that time, which opened the door for more job opportunities.

I shared how it was during one of my own slow seasons that I wrote my education course which became a pivot-point in my own work.

Defining success

Success is so personal for all of us. We both agreed money is not the measure of success. I love how Doug personally defines it: “being able to be confident about what you’re doing and knowing that you’re doing the right thing.” He also believes if you are a success, chances are money can often come along with that.

So much more

I loved my conversation with Doug! It was a real treat to hear his wisdom about life and work, how he got started in acting, behind the scene details about the acting world, his fondest memory from being on an episode of Friends, his transition into radio, a couple of fun facts about him and so much more. I can’t wait for you to hear the rest!



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Free Webinar

In show business, you have agents and casting directors to connect the right actors to the right roles. In the business world, we have Pinterest. Pinterest is my favorite tool for connecting to my ideal clients, especially in the wedding world.

If you want to learn how Pinterest can transform your marketing strategy, check out my free training here:

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