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The Path Back to You

When you feel like
you’re losing your
mind, I’m here to help
you restore your

Get my most comprehensive mentoring program yet, designed to help you ditch habits that hurt who you are, shed shame that shackles you to who you’ve been, and ultimately return you to the path back to you.


Imagine that you have this big, cozy, expensive sweater you’ve saved up to buy for years and years.

  • You make mood boards of what you’ll wear the sweater with

  • What events you’ll wear the sweater to

  • Even who you will become once you own that sweater

One day, you finally purchase the sweater. As soon as it arrives on your doorstep, you unbox it. But before you even look in the mirror, you know something is wrong. The sweater feels itchy and suffocating. The color makes you look gray and lifeless. Instead of making you feel chic and understated, you look frumpy and uncomfortable.

Sometimes, who we have become in our own lives can feel like that sweater. We work and plan and strive for years to attain and achieve, but at the end of the day, when we’re alone, we wonder how we could feel so lost and unfamiliar in our own skin.

The beautiful thing about life is that we have countless opportunities to start again. Whether it’s the first day of a new year, the first minute of a new day, or a cleansing breath renewing your spirit in the middle of a hectic day, no moment is too small to decide that you want to become the person you were always meant to be.

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That the pain in your life isn’t coming from the world around you but from the pain inside you.


What if the cause of your pain and the cure for your pain is the same: YOU

That’s what this series, The Path Back to You is all about. Not starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself. A path that will heal and refine you. A path that will break you and make you whole.


Maybe like me, you heard people say, “Just sit with yourself and heal. All the answers are inside of you.”

And maybe like me you think, “Yeah, I’m ready and willing to do that… but how? Where do I begin?”

I asked the same questions, and after years of therapy, researching on my own, trial and error, mess-ups, and setbacks, I found my way back home.

Back to myself.


In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.

I share with you:


How I uncovered the core lesson I came to this life to learn.

How I finally learned and healed that recurring lesson.

How I dug deep to face my childhood trauma.

How I reparented myself.

How I learned to manifest everything I want in this life.

How I raised my vibration.

How I let go of limiting beliefs.

How I faced my mother wound and father wound.

How I looked purity culture directly in the face and healed from it.

How I was brave enough to start a whole new life.

My journey through divorce.

My relationship with friends.

My grief process of losing relationships and the life I thought I’d have.

How I transformed my sex life.

How I began to attract amazing people in my life.

How I was brave enough to let go of the people holding me back.


Now, I’m able to be present to my own life instead of worrying about what others think of me. I’m able to release limiting beliefs and step into my full purpose. And maybe the most difficult and most beautiful outcome: I can now surrender.

  • No more performing.

  • No more controlling.

  • No more shaming.

  • No winning approval or permission.

  • No more resentment.

Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you.


If you’re reading this, trust that this course was meant to find you at this time. It is here for you today.

This is a year long journey. The course is divided into twelve chapters, and each chapter consists of four parts. 52 weeks; a year of healing.

We take it slow because you need time to integrate. Each part includes my own journey that will help you unpack yours.

I’ll then share action steps for inviting this stage of the journey into your own life. Some chapters will contain questions for you to ask yourself, some will have journal prompts, some will include activities to complete or rituals to establish. Each chapter will also include a playlist of music that I listened to when I was dealing with that specific topic that helped me get through. If there was a youtube video, a speech, an online article, a podcast, or a song that helped me in my own process, I share all those resources as well.


Here’s what we’ll cover over the next year



Energy Work


Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief


Exchanging Ego for Soul


Removing Shame and Shedding Limiting Beliefs


Release and Metamorphosis


Returning to Center, Restoring the Self




Reparenting your Inner Child


Breaking Up with Good Girl Culture


Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine


Intimacy and Sex


Purpose and Decision Making


A twelve month journey along the path back to you






Journal Prompts




Resource Guides






And more…


Your Questions Answered

How will I receive the course?

The Path Back to You is viewable on any device with an internet connection, so you can go at your own pace and dive into the course whenever you want and as many times as you want. As a registrant, you’ll have lifetime access to the course content.

Do I have lifetime access?

You have exclusive lifetime access to the course, PLUS anytime I update the course, you get the updated version!

Is there a support team if I have problems with my course?

You have full access to the Jessica Zimmerman Team. My team will answer any questions you may have along the way.


Can I speak with Jessica directly?

If you want personal one-on-one time with me, that’s an option! Schedule your one-on-one here: Schedule here


“Healing takes time. This is not work to be done in a day.”

When you go through a healing journey, you’ve got to drink it in through a straw, not a fire hydrant.

That’s why this course is designed to be unpacked over the course of a year. Just like in math class, each month is a building block. Just like you could open a Calculus textbook and learn a lot about Calculus, you could choose just one month’s topic to focus on, and you’d probably get a lot out of it.

But just like with math, where you’ve got to know arithmetic and Algebra and Geometry and Trigonometry to be any good at actually doing Calculus, most of these topics can’t be unpacked unless you’ve done the work that comes before.


Hey, I’m Jessica but my friends call me Jess.

After writing and releasing my tell-all memoir in 2020, I realized my story was far from over. In fact, it had just begun. In the wake of Sleeping with a Stranger’s release, I learned that who I had become in order to survive the life I’d built no longer served me. Thus began a brutal, beautiful journey back to my true self. Leaving no stone unturned, I searched for wisdom and knowing from sources across the universe: from the Bible to energy charts, moon phases to star signs. I spent months, and then years, reading, learning, discovering, and becoming. Today, my mission is to bring a little witchy wisdom to the Bible Belt, making the discoveries I’ve gathered in adulthood approachable for the community I grew up in. While my listeners, readers, and followers hail from all around the world, I always imagine I’m speaking to women who remind me of myself five years ago: searching for more after years of accepting less, stuck in a society that tells them, “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.” Blending the practical and the spiritual, I seek to equip fellow sojourners with tools and stories from my own life to help them navigate the road back to their true selves.

I grew up in the Bible belt. I can almost guarantee you that many of the things I am going to share in this 12 month series will trigger you. I know this because they also triggered me. At first, I wanted to reject them completely. Because if the things that triggered me were true, then my life as I knew it, my life as I had been raised, my life as I had been taught, must be false. If my life, propped up by what I had believed to be absolute truth, isn’t what I thought it was, well I can’t think of anything scarier.

But here’s what I invite you to do: use each trigger as an arrow, directing you. Showing you where to take a closer look.


 We’ll spend the next twelve months together as I share what has become a fresh, contemporary vision of ancient faith. I hope I share in a way that resonates. That ultimately leads you to remember who you’ve always been.

I hope it stirs both curiosity and comfort in you. I hope it leads you to believe that within all the chaos of everyday life, all the troubles of a hurting world, and all the unknown answers about the universe, you have a sacred place here.

This series is my sacred gift to you.

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If you are here, whenever you are here, you are here for a reason. Whether you’re following along month by month or you stumble upon this series years from now, trust the Divine intervention that brought you here. This series is timeless. It is meant for you whenever you find it.

Trust that you’re ready to begin your journey. And that I’ll be with you every step of the way.


For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything.

So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again.

Join me, on The Path Back to You.


What are fellow travelers on the path saying about Jessica Zimmerman?