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Whether you’re here because you found your way to Zimmerman Podcast, took one of my courses or free classes, or read my book, Sleeping with a Stranger,

I’m so glad you’re here. 

This site is a place for you to find all the help you need. It’s taken me more than a few years, dollars, and hours in therapy to, yes, build my dream business but also to become the person I’ve always wanted to be.  So if you need an invitation to rebuild your business, your life, or yourself, this is it!

Let’s dive in. 



as seen on 

Who am I? 

You could say I’m a former floral designer, wedding planner, educator, podcaster, author, wife, and mother, but that’s more about what I do and who I love than who I am. 

At my core, I’m a compulsive over-sharer who’s lucky enough to do so professionally. I’m a serial entrepreneur who can’t help but find better ways to do things, which might be why I’ve racked up so many job titles. 

I’m a big fan of hiking, running, and a daily bath (or three). I like traveling to far-off countries, planning the next family adventure, and long talks with good friends. 

When I’m not globetrotting, I’m in my new home of Nashville, Tennessee with my three young kids Stella, Perry, and Zeke, and my husband Brian.

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Download a fan-favorite freebie! 

Whether you work a 9-5, you’re rockin’ a side hustle you love, you own your own business, or you’re a stay-at-home mom, there are two things I know are true about you. 

1. You have an email address
2. It stresses you the heck out

You can’t get anything done if you’re checking that mail app every time you’re sitting on the toilet, waiting at a stoplight, or in a conversation with someone you actually like.  Want to be more productive?  Get more done in less time so you can spend your best hours working on what really matters?  Download my all-time favorite freebie, 8 Tips to Eliminate Email Stress!

BONUS! Once you do this free training, you officially get to be a Zimmerman Insider which means you get access to my sweet email list where you get the VIP treatment with first-dibs on courses, trainings, and spilled-beans secrets!


Need to chat? We’ve got you covered.

(And by “we,” I mean someone on my amazing team. They’re better at this stuff than I am.)

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