Zimmerman Podcast Episode 124: EXCHANGING EGO FOR SOUL: Your Body is Your Oldest Ally


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 124: EXCHANGING EGO FOR SOUL: Your Body is Your Oldest Ally

In Part One of this past chapter on Exchanging Ego for Soul, we talked about how obsession with our bodies and the physical form can expand our Ego, feed our obsession with how we’re perceived, and distract us from nourishing our souls. 

Today, however, we’re going to give our bodies the credit they deserve. Because when we learn to honor our souls, the body can be one of the greatest sources of wisdom, working in tandem with our souls to direct us and lead us on the path back to our true selves.

Our bodies aren’t evil. They’re not bad. There’s a reason we’re not disembodied souls floating around a spirit world made of fog and twilight. But we’re often so busy telling our bodies what to be, what to do, and what to look like, that we forget to listen to their inherent wisdom. 

Your mind will often lie to you about your body. But your body never lies. 

When you’ve retrained your mind to trust your soul’s truth, your body becomes your best ally. 

Let me tell you what I mean with a little throwback story involving a fourteen-year-old Jess, in today’s podcast.


  • Your mind will often lie to you about your body. But your body never lies.

  • Sometimes, it’s easier for us to trust our bodies when they warn of something bad, but that same trust doesn’t apply when our bodies recognize something good.

  • Living a deeply soulful life requires trusting your body. All day long, your body is talking to you. Will you listen?

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Exchanging Ego for Soul: Your Body is Your Oldest Ally
Jessica Zimmerman

Not starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.

For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You.




My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself. For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You. And just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off. https://jessicazimmerman.com/the-path-back-to-you-course

My Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

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