What would replenish me today?

For me, Sundays are a day to nourish my soul. I wake up and ask, “What would replenish me today?

Sometimes it’s a traditional church service, but most of the time it’s hiking because the more I connect to nature, the more I connect to my true inner being - God inside me. And honestly, the older I get the more I want to hear from God for myself, directly, instead of hearing someone else tell me who God is. So I walk through God’s creation and listen and talk with him, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden.

Today, my body wanted sweats and my soul wanted genuine connection. So I sat on my parents’ couch and we talked for hours.

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I believe Sundays and “shoulds” don’t go together. “Should” is an indication of obligation. But receiving rest and love from God is a gift, not an obligation. And I think God created this day for us to rest our minds, our bodies, and replenish our souls. I believe He wants us to feel connected to Him.

And one of the best ways to do this is through love. God is love. The whole reason our souls are in human form is to love. The kind of love that is unconditional, genuine, and true. I can’t think of anything more loving than an unplanned day of conversation with the people who give that kind of love freely.

I hope each of you spent today doing something that filled you up— not just fulfilling obligations, leaving you feeling depleted and more worn out than before.

Sending each of you so much love.

Looking to learn more about my journey? Get my tell-all memoir here.

PersonalJessica Zimmerman