I Don't Live a Day Without These Three Things


I’m a pretty simple woman

I wear the same three shirts on rotation, I’ve never once bought home decor items at Target, and I could eat the same meal every day for lunch (and I usually do!)

But there are three non-essential products that I just can’t live without.

And today, I’m sharing them with YOU!

  1. She Reads Truth

    Every morning, I wake up and I have some quiet time to myself before the rest of the family wakes up. I spend that time practicing meditation, or passive prayer as I sometimes call it, and reading a She Reads Truth devotional.

    She Reads Truth is a brand that creates aesthetically beautiful and easy-to-understand devotionals and other Bible resources for women. Their paper devotionals are stunning, but they also have an app where you can get passages of scripture, devotional prompts, and insight from other women delivered straight to your phone.

    Everyone in my family has a subscription. Brian has He Reads Truth, and Stella and the boys have Kids Read Truth.

    There is not a single day when someone in our house isn’t using one of their products.

    If I’m going to use something every day, I want to love it, and everything from She Reads Truth is so beautiful that it makes that my early morning reading easy!

  2. Peloton

    This time last year, I was trying to fit in exercise between my work day and kids school pick-up. When summer hit, my kids were running wild through the gym or working out right next to me as best they could. It was… not ideal.
    Enter Peloton.

    Peloton as been my saving grace for months now. I have the treadmill, and there is nothing better than hopping on for a long run or doing one of the amazing classes on the Peloton app.

    And I’m doing it all from my home, where my kids can play in their rooms and not drive any gym owners crazy!

    Going for a run is my favorite way to burn off some extra energy and unblock my creative juices when I’m feeling stuck.

    I’ve always said that I’d rather get something really nice and buy it once than buy a cheaper version and have to buy it over and over again. That’s true whether I’m talking about a cast iron pan or a bathrobe, treadmill included!

    Peloton is the best of the best.

  3. Beekeeper’s Naturals

    Our lives are full, and those of you with big families know, when one of you goes down, you all go down. We don’t have time for that!

    That’s why protecting my immunity is one of the most important things I can do for myself and my family.

    Everyday, each of us uses immunity-boosting products from Beekeeper’s Naturals. My favorites are the superfood honey and the propolis spray, which also comes in a version specifically for kids!

    The honey gives me energy and clears my brain fog and the propolis helps all of us stay well whether it’s flu season or book tour time.

    Before Beekeeper’s, I was constantly exhausted, and we were sick as often as you’d imagine with three young kids all in school #preschoolgerms.

    I’m so thankful that I can do something every day to keep me well so I can spend less time fighting sickness and more time with my family and following my dreams!

Those are my three essential products I use every. single. day!

If you want to grab some of my favorite things… the things I use every day, check out a full list of my ultimate product picks!