How to Stop the End-of-Weekend Dread


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 75!

Today we’re talking about how to enjoy the weekends again. Whether you have a 9-5 job, you own your own business, or you’re a stay at home parent, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of dread that creeps in when you know the weekend is about to end and a new week is starting. 

I’m going to share some of my helpful hacks with you so you can both enjoy your weekends again, and not dread your weekdays so much!


  • How to create small routines during your weekends so you can enjoy every day of the week

  • Why work boundaries during the week day can make life sustainable

  • Give yourself something to look forward to every day

  • Figure out what things you dread that you don’t need to be doing. 

Click here to check out the whole episode.

My favorite product pairings for this episode...

Beekeeper’s Naturals

In October 2019, I decided to write the entire first draft of my book in like... five days. It was intense. I knew I needed to be laser focused for those four days, so you better believe I loaded up on my Beekeeper’s Naturals goodies every day that week! 

I took the B. Powered superfood honey to improve my focus and keep me alert. I also took a BLIXR vial each morning to clear out that brain fog. 

Truthfully, two years ago I never could have written this book in four days. I didn’t have the mental clarity or the energy to do it. But my Beekeeper’s honey keeps me fueled and fog-free, and I can definitely notice a difference on the days I forget to take it. 

If you want to try out some of my favorite Beekeeper’s Naturals products, and get 15% off, go to

Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year

If you want to build a great business or live a good life, you’ve gotta plan for it! If you want to become the person you need to be to build the business of your dreams, that takes intention and purpose. 

Every year, I take a whole month to reevaluate the past 12 months and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and how I can create a life I love for the following year. I teach you my exact planning process in my program Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year. 

If you want a free training to get some tips on planning your best year yet, go to 

Never miss an episode, as I share what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love!