How to Listen to Your Own Voice and Write Your Own Script


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 91!

Today, I’m sharing a sort of virtual mentoring session, addressing one of the most common topics I come across when I’m mentoring business-owners or teaching classes.

Time and time again, I see entrepreneurs working incredibly hard toward business goals that, after our time together, they realize they didn’t even really want to achieve.

When we spend so much of our time trying to keep up with, or outpace, our industry peers, we can end up spending our best hours trying to win a race that we don’t even want to be running.

Instead of getting caught up in the comparison game that only ends up distracting us from our purpose, let’s dive into how we can listen to our own voices and write our own scripts.

Episode 91 Topics:

  • How to be mindful about what you’re consuming so you can create authentically again

  • Why what you consume both points to and determines what you’re searching for

  • How to use what you envy as a North Star to your ideal life

  • How to trust yourself and the answers inside of you

  • What is GGMM and how does it change my day, every day

  • How to find clarity in what you want from life

Click here to check out the whole episode.

My favorite product pairings for this episode...

BeeKeeper’s Naturals

In October 2019, I decided to write the entire first draft of my book in like... five days. It was intense. I knew I needed to be laser focused for those four days, so you better believe I loaded up on my Beekeeper’s Naturals goodies every day that week!

I took the B. Powered superfood honey to improve my focus and keep me alert. I also took a BLIXR vial each morning to clear out that brain fog.

Truthfully, two years ago I never could have written this book in four days. I didn’t have the mental clarity or the energy to do it. But my Beekeeper’s honey keeps me fueled and fog-free, and I can definitely notice a difference on the days I forget to take it.

If you want to try out some of my favorite Beekeeper’s Naturals products, and get 15% off, go to

Lea Black CBD Skincare

In all the years I’ve been showing up online, teaching business education webinars or sharing about my life in Instagram stories, there’s one question I get more than ANY OTHER:

What skincare do you use???

For years, I had a pretty disappointing answer: a bar of soap.

But as I started prioritizing my own wellness and stopped feeling guilty for investing time in taking care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally, I knew I needed to up my skincare game.

Enter Lea Black skincare.

While I love literally every Lea Black skincare product I’ve tried, my favorite by far is the CBD Soothing Eye Cream, which can make me look rested and energized even after late nights up with the kids or prepping for a new course launch. I’m convinced that the CBD infused cream makes my eyes look bright and smooth, and I swear it even makes me feel more awake.

Whether I’m hitting the road with my family, preparing for a day of Zoom meetings, or getting a full face of makeup on to do some book press, I’m so thankful to be using products that really work.

If you want to try some Lea Black products like her soothing CBD eye cream go to and use code JESS30 for 30% off.

Never miss an episode, as I share what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love!