How to Create a Winning Website that Turns Clicks into Cash | Jessica on Scaling Up Podcast


If you own a business, odds are, you’ve had to up your online game in the past eight months.

With most of the world limiting where we go and how often we go there, we’ve all had to turn foot traffic into web traffic.

For businesses, that means finding a way to share what you do online and connect with clients who want to buy what you’re selling.

That’s the amazing thing about selling online. Your customer pool is huge! But so is your competition.

That’s what I’m talking about today with Elizabeth Hartke on her show, Scaling Up Podcast.

After listening to this episode, you’ll know why you need a website that works like a 24/7 employee, and specific do’s and don’ts of a website that’s designed to make visitors into clients and turn clicks into cash!

Click play below to give it a listen.